about me
It all started when I left newspaper journalism awhile back and began taking daily yoga classes. Yoga led me to meditation practice and meditation led to huge shifts in my life. I left the big city for rural Connecticut and I am now a Mindfulness Meditation Teacher, which means I am certified at the 500-hour level by the Engaged Mindfulness Institute to lead individuals and groups in meditation practice.
During the past five years, I have taught meditation and yoga to inmates at correctional facilities in Washington, DC and New York City. I now work as part of the teaching team at Liberation Prison Yoga and teach two weekly classes at Rikers Island.
I remain committed to teaching at-risk and underserved populations. At the same time, I am beginning to offer mindfulness tools to anyone who could use help managing the daily stresses of life. I have offered community classes and will work one-on-one as a meditation mentor for those who want to establish a daily sitting practice.
I am also the founding coordinator of the True Refuge Companion program for the Insight Meditation Community of Washington. The program pairs experienced meditators with the aging, ill, or dying, as well as their caregivers or the bereaved, to hold loving presence and meditate together, listening deeply to whatever arises.